Dog Day

Today I had three service calls, one install of two new tv’s, two consults. Each of the three households had at least one canine member. The first was a huge dog, some kind of Labrador mix, quiet and friendly but not overly. She followed her master everywhere. The second was a tiny ball of fluffy fur with endless energy, she never merely walked when bounding was possible. Two dogs in the third household, one border collie-ish, the other like a smallish Samoyed. The collie greeted me at the driveway and I gave her a cookie. She carried it around in her mouth, without biting it, for several minutes, then trotted over to a nearby hedge and buried it.

I love dogs and I feel like they tell me a lot about their human companions, what kind of people they are. All the dogs I met today, they all had good humans. Good people.

Saturdays … gotta love ’em!

I’m often in the shop by 8 a.m. even though I’m not officially “open” until 10. Gives me time for coffee and a little breakfast, tidying up, finishing paperwork, that sort of thing. Plus if one of my customers needs to drop off a vehicle, it’s convenient for them to do so before their work day begins. But I never make a 9 a.m. appointment.

This morning I was puttering around, cleaning the bathroom, emptying trash, around 8:30 someone came in, said “I’m your 9:00 appointment, I’m here early.” Heh. I thought for a second, then I said “OK, let’s get ‘er done.” So I gathered the equipment for the job and by 9:30 I was finished. Meanwhile, around 9:15, my 10:00 appointment showed up early. “Hang in there for a few minutes,” I said, “while I finish with this one.” I was done with the second job by 10:15.

The down side is that my breakfast got cold. And it looks like maybe my microwave is crapping out. On the bright side, I am ready for the usual Saturday onslaught of walk-ins without having to feel all apprehensive about getting my scheduled work done while I’m fielding their questions and making appointments with them.

Saturdays. Gotta love ’em.

StereoMan Is Asheville Home Grown!

Once again this year, StereoMan is participating in Asheville Home Grown, the “Go Local” movement that connects the people of our Asheville region with locally produced goods and services.

Each year, Asheville Home Grown produces a booklet containing dozens of coupons offering significant savings at local businesses. We encourage you to buy the booklet and use as many of the coupons as you can! Our coupon offers a 15% savings on a car stereo install or on a home theater or whole house sound consultation.

Asheville Home Grown Website

Sold on eBay

Classic Sansui Z9000X 130WPC Receiver – Outstanding Specimen


StereoMan sold this classic Sansui Z9000X receiver on eBay for $185.









click the picture


Sold On eBay: Bose 301 Series III speakers


Bose 301 Series III Speakers Nearly Perfect In Every Way!


The Bose 301s are one of the better home speaker models in the Bose line, with excellent imaging, a decent soundstage, and Bose’s renowned “direct-reflecting” tweeter arrangement. These speakers sold for $285 on 5/23/2011. Feedback left: “Great seller, great product! Thank you!”



Sold On eBay: Original PSB Alphas


Original PSB Alphas Nearly Perfect In Every Way!



These are the original, early 90s vintage PSB Alphas, considered in their day to be the absolute best buy in bookshelf speakers under $500 – and they were a lot less than that! They sold for a mere $9.99 on 5/24/2011. A steal! Feedback left: “Great”

